Home AI News Inspiration An AI-Powered Vision Assistant: GPT-4 Meets Object Detection

An AI-Powered Vision Assistant: GPT-4 Meets Object Detection

An AI-Powered Vision Assistant: GPT-4 Meets Object Detection
An AI-Powered Vision Assistant: GPT-4 Meets Object Detection

Mckay Wrigley Combines AI Technologies to Create a Personal Indoor Assistant

  • Mckay Wrigley combined object detection and GPT-4 to create a unique AI vision assistant, capable of understanding his surroundings and suggesting recipes.
  • Wrigley’s experiment demonstrates the potential of integrating AI technologies like GPT-4 with image input capabilities.
  • This project highlights the growing accessibility of AI development and the possibility of creating powerful applications with a combination of creativity, curiosity, and basic coding skills.

Mckay Wrigley, an AI enthusiast, has combined AI technologies to create a vision assistant that can identify items in his fridge, learn about the Keto diet, and suggest recipes based on available ingredients. The project demonstrates the potential of integrating AI technologies, such as GPT-4, with image input capabilities to create powerful applications.

Wrigley’s AI vision assistant is the result of combining object detection using YoloV8, GPT-4 for AI capabilities, OpenAI Whisper for voice, and Google Custom Search Engine for web browsing. By streaming video from his iPhone to his laptop, Wrigley was able to create an indoor assistant with knowledge of his surroundings. His ultimate goal is to continue adding data to the model so that the assistant becomes even more capable over time.

This experiment was motivated by two reasons: first, Wrigley found the project fun and wanted to better understand vision models and how they could be integrated with large language models like GPT-4. Second, he believes that this type of integration represents the future of AI applications, especially as GPT-4’s image input capabilities are soon to be unlocked.

Wrigley’s project highlights the growing accessibility of AI development, as he was able to create the AI vision assistant with a mix of creativity, curiosity, and basic Python coding skills. By utilizing existing resources such as YouTube tutorials and popular AI frameworks, Wrigley demonstrates that it’s possible for anyone to create powerful AI applications with the right combination of ingenuity and technical knowledge.

As Apple AR glasses are rumored to be released soon, Wrigley’s experiment serves as a preview of the potential for innovative applications that could be developed for such devices. By combining AI technologies like GPT-4 and computer vision, developers will be able to create immersive and intelligent experiences that can revolutionize the way we interact with our surroundings.

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